Catholic Vitality 360

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First, tell us a little about your Diocese ...


For Catholic Dioceses

The Seven Circles of Catholic Vitality is what we have identified as a strategic set of attributes that contribute to the overall viability and vitality of our Financial Stability True Stewardship schools and parishes. Using this system, we work through our V7 Assessment to evaluate the health and effectiveness of each component to identify challenges and opportunities for growth and improvement.

Rate Each Item 1-4

1 = Not Evident   2 = Emerging   3 = Operational   4 = Highly Functional

Total Possible Score: 140


  "Name": "Financial Viability Score",
  "Alias": "FinancialViabilityScore",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-29T19:09:50.602606",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:33:45.251433",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 18,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "9356",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Missionary Discipleship Lived Out in Community",
  "Alias": "MissionaryDiscipleshipLivedOutInCommunity",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.121962",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 28,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4422",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Displays of Diocesan Mission linked to Vision",
  "Alias": "DisplaysOfDiocesanMissionLinkedToVision",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.102972",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 25,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4419",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Resources Provided for Discipleship Process",
  "Alias": "ResourcesProvidedForDiscipleshipProcess",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.126478",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 29,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4423",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Logo, Website & Social Media / Digital Platforms",
  "Alias": "LogoWebsiteSocialMediaDigitalPlatforms",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.971078",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 32,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4391",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Active Marketing Plan with Implementation ",
  "Alias": "ActiveMarketingPlanWithImplementation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.980805",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 34,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4393",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Engaging and Vibrant Liturgy / Weekend Experience",
  "Alias": "EngagingAndVibrantLiturgyWeekendExperience",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.004197",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 40,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4398",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Diocesan Retreats and Spiritual Direction",
  "Alias": "DiocesanRetreatsAndSpiritualDirection",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.008926",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 41,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4399",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Ongoing Formation on Parish Liturgy & Ministers",
  "Alias": "OngoingFormationOnParishLiturgyMinisters",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.990339",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 37,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4395",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Resources Provided for People Engagement",
  "Alias": "ResourcesProvidedForPeopleEngagement",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.999508",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 39,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4397",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Effective Professional Development",
  "Alias": "EffectiveProfessionalDevelopment",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.013764",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:15:55.738436",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 2,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4400",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Culture of Teams - Involves Others on Decisions",
  "Alias": "CultureOfTeamsInvolvesOthersOnDecisions",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.018424",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:15:55.738436",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 3,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4401",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Strong Leadership Team — Focused on Service",
  "Alias": "StrongLeadershipTeamFocusedOnService",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.028176",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:15:55.738436",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 5,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4403",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Mission In Motion/True Discipleship Score",
  "Alias": "MissionInMotionTrueDiscipleshipScore",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-29T19:09:50.602587",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:34:19.411705",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 24,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "9351",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Thriving Community/Engagement Score",
  "Alias": "ThrivingCommunityEngagementScore",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-29T19:09:50.602596",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:34:44.090571",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 36,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "9355",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Clear & Compelling Vision with Results",
  "Alias": "ClearCompellingVisionWithResults",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.960859",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:15:55.738436",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 1,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4388",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Clear Branding & Value Proposition",
  "Alias": "ClearBrandingValueProposition",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.966627",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:36:22.793091",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 31,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4390",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "reCAPTCHA v3",
  "Alias": "ReCAPTCHAV3",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.958572",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 9,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 1,
  "Order": 43,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "4386",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Email",
  "Alias": "Email",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.95973",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": true,
  "FieldGroupType": 1,
  "Order": 42,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "4387",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Score",
  "Alias": "Score",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.965583",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 44,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "4389",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Teaching of the True Eucharistic Presence",
  "Alias": "TeachingOfTheTrueEucharisticPresence",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.994993",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 38,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4396",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Marketing Committee in Place with Formation",
  "Alias": "MarketingCommitteeInPlaceWithFormation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.975768",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 33,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4392",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Marketing Budget & Ongoing Evaluation",
  "Alias": "MarketingBudgetOngoingEvaluation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:23.985625",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 35,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4394",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Communication/Marketing Score",
  "Alias": "CommunicationMarketingScore",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-29T19:09:50.602592",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 30,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "9353",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Visionary Leadership Score",
  "Alias": "VisionaryLeadershipScore",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-29T19:09:50.602579",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:15:55.738436",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 0,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "9350",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Education/Faith Formation/Ministry Score",
  "Alias": "EducationFaithFormationMinistryScore",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-29T19:09:50.602589",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:31:44.049556",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 6,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "9352",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Strategic Growth/Active Outreach Score",
  "Alias": "StrategicGrowthActiveOutreachScore",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-29T19:09:50.602594",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:33:45.251433",
  "Type": 7,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 12,
  "Options": [],
  "Id": "9354",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Active Diocesan Council with Ongoing Formation",
  "Alias": "ActiveDiocesanCouncilWithOngoingFormation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.023094",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:15:55.738436",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 4,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4402",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Ongoing & Effective Professional Development",
  "Alias": "OngoingEffectiveProfessionalDevelopment",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.037719",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:17:11.402214",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 8,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4405",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Articulated Diocesan Learning Expectations",
  "Alias": "ArticulatedDiocesanLearningExpectations",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.032921",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:17:11.402214",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 7,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4404",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Thriving Office of Catholic Schools / Education",
  "Alias": "ThrivingOfficeOfCatholicSchoolsEducation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.04264",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:17:11.402214",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 9,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4406",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Ongoing Faith Formation & Sacramental Life",
  "Alias": "OngoingFaithFormationSacramentalLife",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.047443",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:17:11.402214",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 10,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4407",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Understands Need of Faith Community",
  "Alias": "UnderstandsNeedOfFaithCommunity",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.056747",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 13,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4409",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Ongoing Input Opportunities with Responses",
  "Alias": "OngoingInputOpportunitiesWithResponses",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.066105",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 15,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4411",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Active Parish / School Welcoming Process",
  "Alias": "ActiveParishSchoolWelcomingProcess",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.061531",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 14,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4410",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Resources Provided for Vitality & Growth",
  "Alias": "ResourcesProvidedForVitalityGrowth",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.070793",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 16,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4412",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Diocesan Vision with Parish Implementation",
  "Alias": "DiocesanVisionWithParishImplementation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.075476",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 17,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4413",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Annual Budget & Monthly Review of Finances",
  "Alias": "AnnualBudgetMonthlyReviewOfFinances",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.084717",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 20,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4415",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Active Finance Committee with Formation",
  "Alias": "ActiveFinanceCommitteeWithFormation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.080123",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 19,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
      "Value": "1"
  "Id": "4414",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Demonstrates Good Stewardship of Resources",
  "Alias": "DemonstratesGoodStewardshipOfResources",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.089258",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 21,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4416",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Strong Financial Education Process",
  "Alias": "StrongFinancialEducationProcess",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.093746",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 22,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4417",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Documented Discipleship Formation Process",
  "Alias": "DocumentedDiscipleshipFormationProcess",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.112577",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 26,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4420",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Alignment of All Ministries with Mission & Vision",
  "Alias": "AlignmentOfAllMinistriesWithMissionVision",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.117373",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-09-30T14:20:09.456539",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 27,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4421",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Culture of Collaboration & Continuous Innovation",
  "Alias": "CultureOfCollaborationContinuousInnovation",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.052041",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:33:45.251433",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 11,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4408",
  "FormId": "4385"
  "Name": "Diverse Revenue Streams & Parish Policy Support",
  "Alias": "DiverseRevenueStreamsParishPolicySupport",
  "CreatedDateTime": "2022-09-21T19:07:24.098294",
  "UpdateDateTime": "2022-10-07T16:36:22.793091",
  "Type": 5,
  "IsMandatory": false,
  "FieldGroupType": 2,
  "Order": 23,
  "Options": [
      "Value": "1"
      "Value": "2"
      "Value": "3"
      "Value": "4"
  "Id": "4418",
  "FormId": "4385"
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4


1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4


1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
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1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4


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1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4


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1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4


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1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4
1  2  3  4

Your Score:

RED: Overall Score of 80 or below – Area Score of 1-2
Immediate Action –Emergency Intervention

YELLOW: Overall Score of 81 –109 – Area Score of 2-3
Renewal Action –Recommended Strategies

GREEN: Overall Score of 110+ – Area Score of 3-4
Thriving Parish of Vitality: Ongoing Enhancements

Send your score to us:

Only Visible for Testing