“We cannot lead anyone farther than we have been ourselves."
- John Maxwell
In Ancient Greek mythology, there is the legend of the Gordian Knot, whereby the mighty military leader and king Alexander the Great was confronted with the untying of a most intricate knot. Instead of toiling laboriously at the tedious task, he brandishes his sword and swiftly cuts the knot. As an enduring metaphor, this story illustrates the value of bold and decisive action in solving complicated problems.
At Catholic Vitality 360, through our workshops, partnerships and coaching processes, we teach that Catholic school leaders today must be collaborative, bold and visionary, while creating a culture of growth and continuous improvement.
Reflecting on the lessons of the Gordian Knot metaphor, what lingering school challenges could benefit from your bold and decisive action? How can you improve your decision-making that is respectful of the mission and mindful of the resulting ramifications on all stakeholders?
Leaders must make decisions and not taking action is, in fact, a decision. I invite you here to consider the benefits of Strategic Thinking, whereas you create and execute a reliable system of gathering information, reflection and execution that governs the decision-making process.
Within our success framework, the Seven Circles of Catholic Vitality, we place Visionary Leadership as a most prominent component in determining the operational viability of the school. Thus, through our assessment and analysis of hundreds of school leaders, here are the essential elements of Visionary Leadership:
Complete the Vitality Assessment Scorecard three times each year and address the areas of growth and improvement. See our website at catholicvitality360.com for the assessment tool.
Application of the Strategic Thinking model of decision-making remains critical to harness the power and potential of Visionary Leadership. Important here is to assemble a trusted group of faculty, staff and advisory council members to test ideas, discuss challenges and deliberate on possible solutions. Here are some key questions that are part of the Strategic Thinking Model:
By reflecting on and considering the answers to these questions in light of the school’s mission and vision, decisions are subsequently made on key activities and shared with stakeholder groups. Transparency builds trust and visionary leaders are perpetually interested in maintaining trust and respect.
Here at Catholic Vitality 360, it is our ministry to serve your needs. Our mission is your vitality. All of the processes we share in our writings, videos and Zoomcast, THE CIRCLE are available to you. You are not alone in this work and we are happy to help. We consider you and your parish/school a vitality partner with us as we navigate building the Kingdom of God. Our proven approach will provide clarity, a working plan and a proven system that produces impressive results and engages more people in the life of the parish/school.
Engage others, share this dynamic vision, create a collaborative team and build ongoing vitality.
This will take time, patience, persistence, perseverance and PRAYER.
Do not fear, we walk in Faith and this is God’s work.
Be Good and Do Good.
Now get moving on untying those Gordian knots.
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