Catholic Vitality 360

The Devil Made Me Do It

Why the Catholic Church Matters Part 2: How to Build a Thriving Community of Vitality and Growth

The Catholic Church, in a ceremony worthy of much celebration, at the Easter Vigil we welcome into our Faith community, candidates and catechumens through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).

Over the years, I have always been impressed by the passion and zeal of these people to their newly-formed Catholic Faith, reminding me of the famous quote by St. Catherine of Siena, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

Thus, in a recent conversation with a spirit-filled, freshly initiated OCIA member, he was recounting his upbringing, void of the presence of God and filled with copious acts of immorality, stating, “the Devil made me do it!”

My subsequent reflection produces a paradox: Is this comment an abdication of personal responsibility to the charms of evil or the joy of acknowledging the alternative and abiding will of God?

While his admission is a very interesting and reflective comment, it also allows me to illustrate the role of the Catholic Church within the lives of its people and the world.

In the realm of morality, the Devil did not make him commit any of these acts of immorality. The Devil simply – and relentlessly presented the temptations. He made the choice and decision to cooperate with the Devil.

The other choice, with the knowledge and divine teachings of God, are the virtues of good: Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control (The Fruits of the Spirit: Galatians 5: 22-23).

To be in the world is to confront these moral issues each day.

The teachings of the church provide the divine knowledge to experience the joy of Christ and to move the Devil out of your life. The coupling of doctrine and practice are a powerful force for good (and peace).

In a culture directed by excessive secular liberties, the Catholic Church stands to proclaim and protect the moral good and absolute Truth. Its teachings provide moral guidance, faith formation, a respect for human dignity, protection for the poor and vulnerable, community participation, the promotion of peace and global solidarity.(Reference: Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching – Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis)

At Catholic Vitality 360, our response to the role of the Catholic Church is for parish and schools leaders to embrace our success framework called the Seven Circles of Vitality (See graphic).

This process provides the structure to translate Catholic teaching into a practical and strategic engagement process. The goal is to create the proper culture and environment where parishioners feel welcomed, can experience vibrant liturgy, participate in a variety of faith formation activities and engage in community/social events.


The Seven Areas of Growth Include:

1)Visionary Leadership: There is a clear and compelling pastoral vision with implementation and active leadership groups. The parish staff understands servant leadership and builds a culture of welcoming dignity and respect.

2)Mission in Motion: Displays of Parish Mission are abounding and there is ongoing formation striving towards Stewardship and Missionary Discipleship. Ministry life is active and parishioners are able to share their gifts and talents in the parish and wider community.

3)Education & Faith Formation: Within the parish there are extensive offerings for parishioners and families to experience the joy of Christ through a variety of education and formation opportunities. From sacramental education, bible study, small groups, video and book studies, prayer groups and multigenerational catechesis – the parish makes a commitment to invest in and invite families to these encounters.

4)Communication & Marketing: In this information age, parishioners need multiple options in getting information from – and to the parish. In addition to the parish bulletin and an active web site, social and digital platforms must be employed to reach all groups in the parish. Marketing efforts should focus on highlighting special events and community activities.

5)Strategic Growth & Active Outreach: Along with the vibrant pastoral vision, there is a need to understand and respond to the emerging needs of the community. The parish can function as the center of community activities that serve the wider region with dignity and respect for all.

6)Vibrant Liturgy: As a true celebration of the True Presence of the Eucharist, the Sacred Liturgy is paramount. There must be an abiding reverence for liturgical expression in every form, including daily Adoration. Parishioners must be properly and perpetually formed in the most sacred form of our Catholic Faith.

7)Financial Viability: Relating to the business affairs of the Church, parish finances must reflect sound policy and prudent action. With the engagement of the Finance Committee, parishioners must be informed of fiscal matters and be given opportunities to share the gift of treasure with the parish. Viability here also demands the exploration of diverse income and revenue streams beyond offertory giving.

Within these seven key areas is the formula to build a thriving community of Faith.

To get started, please go to our website at to complete the Vitality Scorecard. You can share these results with your leadership teams and create a path forward that address areas of growth and improvement.

Do not fear, this is God’s good work.


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Why the Catholic Church Matters Part 2: How to Build a Thriving Community of Vitality and Growth


The Catholic Church, in a ceremony worthy of much celebration, at the Easter Vigil we welcome into our Faith community, candidates and catechumens through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).


Over the years, I have always been impressed by the passion and zeal of these people to their newly-formed Catholic Faith, reminding me of the famous quote by St. Catherine of Siena, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”


Thus, in a recent conversation with a spirit-filled, freshly initiated OCIA member, he was recounting his upbringing, void of the presence of God and filled with copious acts of immorality, stating, “the Devil made me do it!”


My subsequent reflection produces a paradox: Is this comment an abdication of personal responsibility to the charms of evil or the joy of acknowledging the alternative and abiding will of God?


While his admission is a very interesting and reflective comment, it also allows me to illustrate the role of the Catholic Church within the lives of its people and the world.


In the realm of morality, the Devil did not make him commit any of these acts of immorality. The Devil simply – and relentlessly presented the temptations. He made the choice and decision to cooperate with the Devil.


The other choice, with the knowledge and divine teachings of God, are the virtues of good: Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control (The Fruits of the Spirit: Galatians 5: 22-23).


To be in the world is to confront these moral issues each day.


The teachings of the church provide the divine knowledge to experience the joy of Christ and to move the Devil out of your life. The coupling of doctrine and practice are a powerful force for good (and peace).


In a culture directed by excessive secular liberties, the Catholic Church stands to proclaim and protect the moral good and absolute Truth. Its teachings provide moral guidance, faith formation, a respect for human dignity, protection for the poor and vulnerable, community participation, the promotion of peace and global solidarity.(Reference: Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching – Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis)


At Catholic Vitality 360, our response to the role of the Catholic Church is for parish and schools leaders to embrace our success framework called the Seven Circles of Vitality (See graphic).


This process provides the structure to translate Catholic teaching into a practical and strategic engagement process. The goal is to create the proper culture and environment where parishioners feel welcomed, can experience vibrant liturgy, participate in a variety of faith formation activities and engage in community/social events.


The Seven Areas of Growth Include:


1)Visionary Leadership: There is a clear and compelling pastoral vision with implementation and active leadership groups. The parish staff understands servant leadership and builds a culture of welcoming dignity and respect.


2)Mission in Motion: Displays of Parish Mission are abounding and there is ongoing formation striving towards Stewardship and Missionary Discipleship. Ministry life is active and parishioners are able to share their gifts and talents in the parish and wider community.


3)Education & Faith Formation: Within the parish there are extensive offerings for parishioners and families to experience the joy of Christ through a variety of education and formation opportunities. From sacramental education, bible study, small groups, video and book studies, prayer groups and multigenerational catechesis – the parish makes a commitment to invest in and invite families to these encounters.


4)Communication & Marketing: In this information age, parishioners need multiple options in getting information from – and to the parish. In addition to the parish bulletin and an active web site, social and digital platforms must be employed to reach all groups in the parish. Marketing efforts should focus on highlighting special events and community activities.


5)Strategic Growth & Active Outreach: Along with the vibrant pastoral vision, there is a need to understand and respond to the emerging needs of the community. The parish can function as the center of community activities that serve the wider region with dignity and respect for all.


6)Vibrant Liturgy: As a true celebration of the True Presence of the Eucharist, the Sacred Liturgy is paramount. There must be an abiding reverence for liturgical expression in every form, including daily Adoration. Parishioners must be properly and perpetually formed in the most sacred form of our Catholic Faith.


7)Financial Viability: Relating to the business affairs of the Church, parish finances must reflect sound policy and prudent action. With the engagement of the Finance Committee, parishioners must be informed of fiscal matters and be given opportunities to share the gift of treasure with the parish. Viability here also demands the exploration of diverse income and revenue streams beyond offertory giving.

Within these seven key areas is the formula to build a thriving community of Faith.

To get started, please go to our website at to complete the Vitality Scorecard. You can share these results with your leadership teams and create a path forward that address areas of growth and improvement.


Do not fear, this is God’s good work.



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