One of the most apparent frustrations that I encounter in my Leadership Coaching with Catholic school leaders, is an unhealthy reliance on fundraising and its related detrimental effect on financial stability and operational vitality.
At Catholic Vitality 360, through our proven engagement processes, we invite you to think beyond the limited promises of frenzied fundraising and embrace the mindset of building a culture of Philanthropy.
With Philanthropy being the love of humanity and the voluntary act of giving and generosity, school leaders seek to engage people in offering gifts of time, talent, wisdom & treasure. The school’s mission is paramount and donor engagement is celebrated.
This requires a shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mentality.
In order for this transition to occur, please consider the concept that I created called Engagement Philanthropy, that includes five dynamic components: 1) Shared Vision 2) Compelling Conversations 3) Personal Commitment 4) Ongoing Invitation and 5) Remarkable Recognition.
This model comes alive through the school Advancement effort which by definition seeks to strategically advance and promote the mission and vision of the school by engaging more people and sustaining quality relationships. The application of the five components of Engagement Philanthropy reveals that it is all about relationships, with all related activities and metrics focused on meaningful connections.
Another important area of understanding is to examine the Catholic School Advancement process through the edifying lens of systems-thinking. In viewing Advancement as a system, we must adhere to the following: A) there is collective agreement on the working components of the system (see graphic) B) all parts of the system are related, interconnected and complimentary C) the proper resources are dedicated to support to system in order to achieve the stated and shared goals and D) the system is a dynamic, flexible, living organism, subjected to ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement.
With these concepts in mind, here are the ten proven strategies to establish an effective Advancement system:
As a change agent, be prepared to encounter a variety of responses to your work. Please know that there will be some resistance, and conversely, you will gather some supporters. By consistently communicating the why, the how and the benefits, you will change the culture from an unhealthy reliance on fundraising to the more sustainable focus on building true relationships through Philanthropy. This will take time, patience, persistence, perseverance and PRAYER.
Do not fear, we walk in Faith and this is God’s work.
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Ten Proven Strategies in Establishing an Effective School Advancement System", "Url": "/blog/building-a-culture-of-engagement-philanthropy-ten-proven-strategies-in-establishing-an-effective-school-advancement-system", "Url_List": [ "/blog/building-a-culture-of-engagement-philanthropy-ten-proven-strategies-in-establishing-an-effective-school-advancement-system" ], "UrlSlug": "building-a-culture-of-engagement-philanthropy-ten-proven-strategies-in-establishing-an-effective-school-advancement-system", "ParentId": 2769, "ParentId_List": [ -1 ], "ParentName": "", "ParentUrl": "", "TemplateName": "", "Module_Alias": "VitalityBlog", "Module_ID": 2769, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2023-10-25T00:00:00", "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-31T00:00:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "\nOne of the most apparent frustrations that I encounter in my Leadership Coaching with Catholic school leaders, is an unhealthy reliance on fundraising and its related detrimental effect on financial stability and operational vitality.
\nAt Catholic Vitality 360, through our proven engagement processes, we invite you to think beyond the limited promises of frenzied fundraising and embrace the mindset of building a culture of Philanthropy.
\nThe Definition of Philanthropy
\nWith Philanthropy being the love of humanity and the voluntary act of giving and generosity, school leaders seek to engage people in offering gifts of time, talent, wisdom & treasure. The school’s mission is paramount and donor engagement is celebrated.
\nThis requires a shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mentality.
\nThe Components of Engagement Philanthropy
\nIn order for this transition to occur, please consider the concept that I created called Engagement Philanthropy, that includes five dynamic components: 1) Shared Vision 2) Compelling Conversations 3) Personal Commitment 4) Ongoing Invitation and 5) Remarkable Recognition.
\nThis model comes alive through the school Advancement effort which by definition seeks to strategically advance and promote the mission and vision of the school by engaging more people and sustaining quality relationships. The application of the five components of Engagement Philanthropy reveals that it is all about relationships, with all related activities and metrics focused on meaningful connections.
\nThe Catholic School Advancement System
\nAnother important area of understanding is to examine the Catholic School Advancement process through the edifying lens of systems-thinking. In viewing Advancement as a system, we must adhere to the following: A) there is collective agreement on the working components of the system (see graphic) B) all parts of the system are related, interconnected and complimentary C) the proper resources are dedicated to support to system in order to achieve the stated and shared goals and D) the system is a dynamic, flexible, living organism, subjected to ongoing evaluation and continuous improvement.
\n\n\nTen Proven Strategies
\nWith these concepts in mind, here are the ten proven strategies to establish an effective Advancement system:
As a change agent, be prepared to encounter a variety of responses to your work. Please know that there will be some resistance, and conversely, you will gather some supporters. By consistently communicating the why, the how and the benefits, you will change the culture from an unhealthy reliance on fundraising to the more sustainable focus on building true relationships through Philanthropy. This will take time, patience, persistence, perseverance and PRAYER.
\nDo not fear, we walk in Faith and this is God’s work.
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